Sleek Machines

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

iRiver's new U10 Player

Check out this new Multi-funtional player by iRiver called the U10. All the buttons are on the screen. So it sounds like it's touch-screen, but why is that a new technology? Anways this is one very nice sleek player. Supposedly it can fit in your pocket. But better have some good protection for that screen. Supports all kinds of file formats, FM Tuner and comes in 1GB or 2GB versions.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bamboo Speaker, no power source required

A company called Bird-Electron invented the EZ-TAKEGTF2 Portable Bamboo Speaker. This speaker is made out of special Japanese Susu Bamboo which is smoked and aged for about 100 years then hand picked to meet their standards. Just use the mini-stereo plug to plug into any device and your good to go. Can you imagine riding your bike and holding one of these things? You would look like your holding a grenade launcher...